January 31st 2020
News Release: Rendezvous Volunteers
Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous (YSR) would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of our volunteers. As an integral part of the YSR festival, it is no secret that it would not operate without the hard work and dedication of each and every volunteer.
In its 56 year history, what is now known as the Quest for the Crown Competition (QFTC) has gone through many iterations and hundreds of tiaras atop the women and men who compete in this annual tradition. The QFTC candidates form only a small contingent of our volunteers, but due to their role are some of our most recognisable. It has recently come to our attention that some of these volunteers have experienced negative comments from the Whitehorse community. This is not new to the Rendezvous Society, but something we continue to have zero tolerance for.
Volunteers should not be subject to any form of abuse, intimidation or derogatory comments. YSR is an inclusive organisation and embraces all values and diversity. We, at YSR, believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity.
If you see any YSR volunteers out and about, we encourage you to thank them for their dedication and recognise their hard work.
If you witness someone disrespecting or behaving aggressively towards a volunteer, we ask that you not get involved, but instead find another YSR volunteer or staff member and inform them of the situation. YSR has a Respectful Workplace policy in place and will not accept any disrespectful behaviour. Failure to comply with this policy can result in the termination of an employee/volunteer or exclusion from a YSR event or venue.
For more information please contact;
Saskrita Shrestha- Executive Director